Art: Bing AI Image Creator


“If someone hates you, they still have feelings for you. If they really didn't care about you, they'd just forget about you. They wouldn't even waste the time hating you.”

❝ Kill me with your sugar Rush ❞__✩GENERAL✩ __⋆ Full Name ⋆
Victoria Annalise Moore
⋆ Alias ⋆
⋆ Nickname(s) ⋆
Blondie, Vicious
**⋆ Age ⋆ **
**⋆ Species ⋆ **
⋆ Allegience ⋆
Neutral, chaotic
**⋆ Gender/Pronouns ⋆ **
Female, she/her, doesn't care
**⋆ Date of Birth ⋆ **
**⋆ Orientation ⋆ **
Bi, Male lean
**⋆ Languages ⋆ **
English, Estonian
**⋆ Occupation ⋆ **
Vic works at a local occult/antique bookstore, mostly during the late night shifts. Hardly works the register ever - prefers stocking since the owners are old and have trouble with getting things on the shelves. High school Drop out.
In her free time, she goes out and scraps cars or steals parts from them for cash. She actually doesn't particularly like driving cars and instead drives a motorcycle, which she races on the weekends✩PHYSICAL✩**⋆ Hair ⋆ **
Blonde, long. Usually pulled back in a half ponytail or bun. A mess 99% of the time, has some faded black still in the tips
**⋆ Eyes ⋆ **
**⋆ Skin ⋆ **
**⋆ Height ⋆ **
**⋆ Weight ⋆ **
**⋆ Body Type ⋆ **
**⋆ Main Outfits ⋆ **
Skinny jeans, sweaters, pretty much anything in black, likes outfits that show off but still keep her from being too cold
**⋆ Accessories ⋆ **
A classic plastic tattoo choker, various rings, bracelets and necklaces
⋆ Piercings/Tattoos/Markings ⋆
4 piercings per ear, eyebrow piercing, snakebites, septum piercing (does not always wear all)
✩PERSONALITY✩**⋆ Personality ⋆ **Vic is a sassy, self-proclaimed goth; a somewhat reckless girl who's honestly just a big softy. She's open and yet guarded. She comes off as very one dimensional and overly familiar with everyone. But it doesn't take too much to actually soften her up and get a real conversation out of her. It does however, take a while for her to truly open up. While she might tell you her story, that doesn't mean she's not hiding details.She's smart, but doesn't do much with it and finds herself bored and apathetic with life. Looking for a reason to care.She loves stargazing and taking late night motorcycle rides. She lives alone currently and her room looks like a frat house. She has a billion empty energy drink cans just strewn about, and while she does clean, she's definitely a messy person. It's something she's working on- and has at least learned to keep contained to her bedroom and garage these days.She has a real soft spot for others who don't seem to have enough love or support in their lives. She'll hop in and be that support system, since she's lacking that herself.**⋆ Habits ⋆ **
🔗Chewing gum (and popping it)
🔗Tapping her fingers/nails (she likes the clicking noise)
**⋆ Likes ⋆ **
🔗Loud music/concerts
🔗Reading obscure books
🔗Finding new music
🔗Meeting people who are actually interesting.
🔗Energy drinks
**⋆ Dislikes ⋆ **
🔗Watching the news
🔗Closed-minded people
🔗Having migraines
**⋆ Goals ⋆ **
To find something out there that makes her feel like she's welcome, that it's worth waking up in the morning. A reason to live.
**⋆ Fears ⋆ **
Being alone forever. Spiraling depression
**⋆ Hobbies ⋆ **
She does website coding for the occult bookstore she works at on the side, and is really good at making latte art. She also likes to go to concerts and singing. She also has an interest in the mechanics behind animatronics and rollercoasters.
✩FAVORITES✩**⋆ Favorite Color ⋆ **
Red, Black
**⋆ Favorite Food ⋆ **
Pastries, Bakery Goods
**⋆ Favorite Drink ⋆ **
Lattes, Coffees and Teas
**⋆ See Ship Page!⋆ **
__ ✩BIO✩__**⋆ Backstory ⋆ **Vic grew up in a turbulent household. She saw some of the worst of people. Her father being a corrupt politician and her mother being a gossipy wine mom. They moved around a lot. This made her decide that she didn't want to be like that. She became guarded and refused to trust people unless they proved they were worth trusting. Yet she's a bleeding heart deep down. She wants to make some sort of difference in someone's life, no matter how small. She'd like to feel like she's part of something but has a hard time fitting into any specific mold.When she was a teen, she dropped out and sorta floated around wherever on her vespa. Running into an old friend who had also dropped out working a dead end job.. she convinced him to travel with her a bit. They did so til she was about 18. They parted ways and Vic decided she wanted to settle somewhere for a bit and moved into a sketchy apartment downtown in a strange city.She bought a cheap motorcycle and souped it up to racing standards on her own. While her living situation wasn't ideal, she was a lot happier having her own space to do as she pleases, play her own music and decorate however she wants. However, she gets lonely rather easily.Out of the blue her best friend Danny actually broke down near town. She was shocked to find him stranded with his car but urged him to stay with her for a while. And at the moment; he's moved on to other venues- but the two are keeping in touch far more closely these days. Especially after the types of romantic relationships Vic was keeping at the time- Danny is keeping a better eye on her.At work, she's quiet, and keeps to herself. She makes as little conversation with customers as possible, unless she finds a reason to strike up a conversation. Usually she doesn't get much of a reply, so she tries to refrain from making an attempt.When she's out on her own, she's loud, goofy, and always aiming to make those around her smile and laugh. She's outspoken and lacks a filter. And is almost always seen with an energy drink in hand.

Random Facts

  • She loves baking! And making treats. She spoils the one or two friends she has with these things. Usually just her brothers.

  • She likes a lot of different music. Including Ska, Rock, Pop, pretty much anything. Even if she looks like all she listens to is Evanescence and KORN on repeat.

  • Her favorite band is probably Creature Feature

  • She actually can sing. Sorta. She's not phenomenal. But she's not bad.

  • She's almost always humming something or singing something quietly.

  • She has several noise complaints from neighbors (and complaints about her stealing their wifi or power)

  • She used to be a barista at a coffee shop. She was fired for yelling at a bitchy customer. Or rather she up and quit after snapping.

  • She likes to come off as overwhelming to many people so she knows the people who approach her won't judge her as harshly. Sort of a test to see who's worth talking to.

  • If someone seems skittish to begin with, she may mellow herself out to avoid scaring them too much.

  • Her days as a barista taught her how to do cute latte art, and make a great cup of coffee.

  • People have called her a heartbreaker. But it's only because she denies most advances.

  • She's flirty and touchy, but she doesn't usually mean much by it.

  • She gets attached easily, but tries to pretend she doesn't to avoid being taken advantage of.

  • Her favorite shows are usually cartoons- she likes things that are lighthearted and easy to watch. But prefers suspense horror films in the way of movies.

  • Her favorite book is The Blue Girl by Charles De Lint. She's read it dozens of times, and her copy is worn out.

  • She's a self proclaimed satanist. Specifically, she's a card carrying member of the Satanic Temple.

  • She believes in aliens and cryptids but is sure they're just like people so even if she met one... she wouldn't care as long as they were chill.

  • 420 friendly, and has an entire cabinet dedicated to bits and bobs for smoking.


__✩Earlier Life✩ __
Even some of her earliest love interests showed signs of less than desirable aspects. Danny told her even when they were kids that she had an awful taste in men.
Even in high school, this continued. It almost even got worse- just not as bad as it would get later on in her life. Usually dating the worst types of guys. And there were a lot of them. While she never 'gave out', she was a serial dater and seemed to have a new boyfriend with her every week. Never really getting too attached. Not entirely sure what she wanted or needed from a relationship even as she became a young adult.__✩Adult Life✩ __Once she'd moved into her new home and out of an apartment for the first time... she really thought her life was going to turn around for the better. But she shortly after experienced a break in and attempt on her life by Jeff the Killer. Though, she managed to subdue him with a bat she'd had near her bed. This led to the two of them talking somehow and resulted in them dating.He was far from a kind lover, even leaving scars in the shape of his name on her stomach at one point. She also became involved platonically with his brother Liu who had gone on to become a corrupt drunken cop.Both Liu and her best friend Danny insisted she leave Jeff. But... he left her first. Walking off without a word and simply... not coming back. While she acted as casually as she could about this; it broke her heart, this having been her first serious heartbreak.She ended up getting romantically involved with Liu after Jeff left and after a mental breakdown that resulted in further scarring of her stomach that would forever erase Jeff's name from her. Something she plans on getting covered with a tattoo one day.Liu showed signs of change, of quitting drinking and becoming the man he could be for her, but he gave up on trying. Leaving her to struggle for an ounce of attention- let alone affection. He eventually left her. Hinting that he would rather hunt Jeff down than stay with her. Resulting in her second massive heartbreak- only a short year or so from her first.Now she's become a bit jaded with relationships. She'd like to hope that true love exists in this world and that she'll one day find it; but there just isn't a whole lot of reason to keep hope. She still remains flirty and relatively open about dating and seeing people... she's just learned not to expect things to work out.

  • She's currently a tiny bit wary about the concept of true love, so she has a tendency to just float around anyone who gives affection, or whoever allows her to give affection.

  • She likes dangerous types

  • If you're not unique in one way or another, she won't be interested.

  • The one thing she can't stand is lying. Just be honest with her even if it hurts.

  • She's a spoiler. She will spoil the person she ends up with. Her love language is fixing, so anything they have going on that she can help fix, she will do whatever she can to do so.

  • She is very lax in relationships. Low maintenance but definitely will seek out cuddles often.

  • However, she can be a bit jealous, and loves showing off what's hers.

  • She can be very quiet, should her lover be like that. She is more than willing to calm herself and just read a good book while cuddled with him. As an empath, her mood will often reflect those she's close to.